For Zelle use
Iqama Time
Fajr 5:45 AM
Dzuhr 2:00 PM
Asr 5:15 PM
Maghreb Athan+10 min
Isha 09:45 PM
Friday Jumaa Prayer at 1:30PM
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Masjid Abdullah Al-Darwish
We are always needing volunteers for teachers and staff. Please contact us at if you can help.
Register at:
Volunteer to help with one of our events, cleaning the masjid, or purchasing food for Iftar during Ramadan. Contact us at for more info.
The program is with Shiekh Abu Abdellah
Monday and Wednesday after Maghreb, Saturday From 10;00 AM to 12:00 PM
Financial Assistance
You can apply if you live in 34758-34746-33837-34759-33844-33896
To ensure the proper distribution of Zakat funds, if available, every applicant must submit clear copies of the following:
Photo ID: For the applicant, spouse and all dependents; Driver’s License, State I.D. or Passport
Social Security Card (For all those that provided photo ID as identification.
Lease Agreement (If renting)
Proof of income (i.e. last pay stub)
Current tax return.
Other documentation that might help in the evaluation; such as medical reports, receipts, billing statements, etc.
All fields are required on this form. All information is confidential and intended only for restricted internal use by authorized Zakat committee personnel and used exclusively for evaluation of Zakat requests. Please attach/upload the scan/picture of the identification proof you will use.
Download application below: